Friday, August 1, 2008

Humanity At crossroads: Attitudes And Climate Change

The huge commotion, wide ranging research and intellectual discussions about the collapse of the civilization due to climate change has created apprehension and confusion about the directions humanity should take to overcome the challenges to its existence. The variety of solutions recommended range from technological fantasies to pessimistic resignation about the complete destruction of humanity. The solutions also include invading new planets, as well as constructing polar cities and Noah's model of ark, to sustain life on earth. Most of the solutions are based on the assumption of total collapse, along with the end of civilization and human existence.

Despite these thought-provoking discussions about the influence of climate change on human existence and the solutions to tackle it, we are nearing, as time passes, the verge of a major disaster and the options for solutions are declining. The increasing natural calamities, the concern about the tipping points due to further carbon emissions and its effects on the habitability on earth have created great concerns.

The recent report by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) has mentioned that the rate of climate warming over northern Alaska, Canada and Russia could more than triple during the periods of rapid sea ice loss. This has raised concerns about the thawing of permafrost resulting in potential consequences for sensitive ecosystems, human infrastructure and additional release of greenhouse gases. According to IPCC Chairman, Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, "If there is no action before 2012, that's too late. What we do in the next two or three years will determine our future."

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In the future, all of India might be a deserted ghost town, a completely uninhabited nation, with everyone having moved north to norther Russia and northern China and Alaska and Canada to survive the global warming disaster events that are coming down the road in the far distant future. Where will they live? In polar cities, perhaps. Also dubbed Lovelock Retreats. Google both terms and see for yourself what the year 2500 MIGHT look like,

Bastar said...

very true the rate India is displacing its indigenous people and destroying their forest,changing the route of the rivers etc. ,I won't be surprised if this country will survive for another 20 years...